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Site seeing

An eye and an ear

Another occasional visit to the classical world wide web ...


Mentioned recently in Basil Ramsey's Editorial Musings, Glossa Music is an example of one of the many new record labels appearing. Based in Spain, this one looks like a label on which to keep an eye and an ear. Fascinating catalogue ...


Also based in Spain is Cat Classics -- un portal de música clàssica, in three languages -- Catalan, Castellano (Spanish) and English -- dealing with classical music in Barcelona and elsewhere in Catalunya. An advertised 800 links, and lots of features, although someone should spellcheck their English pages, and some of the concert details are a bit out of date.


If you missed David Wilkins' recent Bernstein feature, you may have also missed visiting Bernstein's Studio -- the official Leonard Bernstein site, with plenty to read, do, explore and buy. Slick web design in a style which reminds me of the old expression about looking at life 'through rose-tinted spectacles'. There's a recently reinstated LB message board, and you can read facsimile copies of Bernstein's letters to and from, for example, Aaron Copland. Don't miss the Leonard Bernstein Collection at the Library of Congress, via the link near the bottom of the page, right hand side.


American composer Judith Lang Zaimont (Zaimont pronounced with a long A) celebrates a birthday tomorrow. You'll be able to read more about Judith here at M&V shortly, because Swedish musicologist Peter Lundin is preparing a review encompassing several of her CDs. Meanwhile, there's always her website to explore ...


Kalvos and Damian's New Music Bazaar is a radio programme from Vermont, USA on WGDR FM 91.1, which is also webcast live, Saturday afternoons, 2.30-4.30pm (19:30-21:30 GMT). If by some strange quirk of fate, you happen to be reading this on, say, a Tuesday, or at a different time on a Saturday, all is not lost, because all their two hour broadcasts are archived on the website. A typical show features a composer interview -- David Solomons for the 11 November show.


Celebrating the recent cut in weekend internet access rates by my internet service provider here in the UK, I 'tuned in' to John Wiser's four-hour classical programme on WOV Pioneer Internet Radio, from Otisville, NY, USA. It runs every Sunday from 8am until 12 noon, Eastern time (13:00-17:00 GMT), and beginning on 11 November, each programme will be repeated the following Saturday, 12 midnight until 4am Eastern time. John read M&V in the early days, but we fell out rather acrimoniously over the Boulez is Dead affair earlier this year. Peace, John.


Listening to music via the net is still, for most of us, both a 'lo-fi' and rather a frustrating experience, complete with those annoying gaps of 'internet congestion'. You'll find a tantalising variety and number of channels to choose from, however. Have a look at 'Klassieke muziekstations live op het internet', which is Wim Wylin's huge list of classical music radio stations broadcasting over the net. Don't be put off by the fact that Wim's text is in Dutch -- the linked stations mostly broadcast in English, many from the USA.


Craig Butler has written to M&V to share his new piece of humorous fiction -- liner notes for a fictitious recording of the music of Heinrich du Mal. And with a polite word of warning not to stare at this page for too long, I think I'll crawl back to my day job -- making the pages for tomorrow's Record Box!


Copyright © 7 November 2000 Keith Bramich, London, UK


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