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<<  -- 7 --  Bill Newman    IMPULSE AND SPACE


'She turns down so much that she could do, but we have two young children and that wonderful balance. So that decision had to be taken.' But how invaluable is she when you talk about music matters? 'We never discuss it. She might ask for my advice, and I hers, but we talk about our life, our children and her diary -- of course -- but very rarely discuss music. Those that do can't switch off. On holiday I don't discuss it, but I may say to her that I might go to America next year and all sorts of things like that, or maybe she will ask me about her phrasing and sometimes I might tender my advice! We've learnt a lot from each other, but now we have so much understanding that it has become unspoken.'

'I can switch off immediately and that is why I get so much done. I have a nap in the afternoon to make up, but have received a battering for doing too much work, lots of different things. It has paid off now.'

Chandos and Hickox are about to embark on a complete Frank Bridge orchestral cycle and the four symphonies of Lennox Berkeley, including music by his son Michael who has been appointed Associate Composer by the National Symphony Orchestra of Wales. There will also be a continuation of the survey of Britten operas, while to follow the Haydn Masses will be others by Hummel and Schubert. The remaining Vaughan Williams Symphonies are also on the books.

'Yes, I certainly won't be inactive in the recording studios!'

Copyright © 10 January 2002 Bill Newman, Edgware, Middlesex, UK







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