A born musician
Appreciating the viola d'amore playing of Thomas Georgi -
with JENNIFER PAULL'His interpretative skills are as palpitating as the sympathetic strings of his chosen instrument ...'
Everything is music for the born musician.
Everything that throbs, or moves
or stirs, or palpitates ... everything that is, is music; all that is
needed is that it should be heard.
- - Romain Rolland (1866-1944), French writer, music critic, Nobel Prize
winner in Literature, 1915
That Thomas Georgi is a born musician; there can be no doubt. His interpretative
skills are as palpitating as the sympathetic strings of his chosen instrument,
the viola d'amore. Indeed what is needed is that this wonderful instrument
should be heard! It really is a tragedy that some of the most glorious instrumental
voices of the Baroque have become rarities today.
This CD is surely the culmination of many years of loving research, presented
with beautiful photographic illustrations of the instruments used in its
recording and informative texts. Georgi's brilliant interpretative
finesse in skilful performance is a delight throughout.
Leopold Mozart is quoted in the CD booklet as having said; 'It is a distinctive
kind of fiddle, which sounds especially charming in the stillness of the
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Copyright © 16 June 2002
Jennifer Paull, Vouvry, Switzerland