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Philip Glass played in Calgary
and GORDON RUMSON was in the audience


I'm sure it's been done before, but here goes :

Philip Glass was good last night. Philip Glass was good last night. Philip Glass Was good last night. Philip Glass Was good last night. Philip Glass was good Last Night. Philip Glass was good Last Night. Philip Glass was good last night. Philip Glass was good last night. Philip Glass was good last night. Philip Glass was good last night. Philip Glass was good last night. Philip G l a s s was good last night. Philip G l a s s was good last night. Philip G l a s s was good last night. Philip G l a s s was good last night. Philip Glass was good last night. Philip Glass was good last night. Philip Glass was good last night.

Philip Glass played Calgary on 3 January 2003 at the Jack Singer Concert Hall as part of the theatrical festival The High Performance Rodeo. The event was extremely well attended and along with his solo piano, Denise Clark, actress, choreographer and major force behind the rodeo interviewed Glass just after intermission.

As part of her introduction to Glass, Clarke mentioned all of the major artists and authors he has collaborated with. I think it should be said they collaborated with him. For Philip Glass is a major force in modern music and has labored with such vigour that his works list is simply astounding.

Glass is also a fine pianist, who produces a good sound at the piano. The first half of the concert seemed better played; on the second half, the Etudes, which are more complex, were less secure until about halfway through their course.

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Copyright © 10 January 2003 Gordon Rumson, Calgary, Alberta, Canada


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