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Where has the primeTime sublime Community Orchestra performed?

During the first year, we did a concert In Amsterdam since some of the musicians have connections over there and were able to get some financial assistance. I used mostly musicians from Holland. At the same time, I was rehearsing in New Jersey with musicians from New Jersey and New York City for a concert at PS 33 in Chelsea. All expenditures are out of my pocket so renting a hall was impractical. Since money is an issue, I thought it would be best to spend the next year writing and recording a CD as well as designing some kind of merchandise that could be sold to generate revenue.


Which brings us up to the present. Tell me about the CD.

The music is all from the prior year of concerts so the musicians were already familiar with their parts. I recorded parts of the orchestra live and later added overdubs, that way I didn't need to have everyone there at the same time. I then mixed the entire record in my home studio and added minimal sweetening where needed. I hired Scott Hull at Classic Sound Studios in New York City to do the mastering. He has worked with many famous people in the Pop/Jazz fields as well as major symphony orchestras so he was perfect for a multi-genre project such as this. I designed the CD cover artwork and a company called ESP in Buffalo manufactured the whole thing.

Is the cover from one of your paintings?

No. I did everything in the digital domain using images from the internet but most of it was from my head. The photo of the baggage claim carousel on the traycard was taken at Newark Airport. I was snapping pictures of empty ticket counters, baggage carousels, etc ... to be used as a basis for a photomontage for the CD artwork. This was just after the 9/11 tragedy. The few people around at that time were staring at me like I was a terrorist collecting information. Someone must have said something because the security came by and questioned me. They inspected my camera and made me leave.

At least they didn't confiscate your camera, handcuff you and subject you to an excruciating interrogation in a bright white room.


The primeTime Sublime Community Orchestra
The primeTime Sublime Community Orchestra

What is planned for the future of the primeTime sublime Community Orchestra?

I am currently marketing and promoting the orchestra via the CD. I hope to begin rehearsals again by the end of the year and book a tour for next year. The CD is available on our web site at along with additional merchandise such as a 'CURB YOUR GOD' T-shirt and a primeTime sublime Native Tourist Manual.

A what?

Never mind.

Copyright © 26 September 2003 D C Ruiz, USA





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