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Works by Luciano Berio and David Sherr -
admired by

'... a great interpreter and technical artist.'

Art Music Ensemble - Music by Luciano Berio and David Sherr. © 2000 American Composers Forum

A really surprising, exciting and captivating recording by an outstanding Ensemble, led by the outstanding David Sherr, an instrumentalist and musician of formidable stature. It is challenging enough for any flautist to take on the earliest of Berio's Sequenzas, each a tour-de-force both technically and creatively. But to have the same player perform Sequenza VII, the one written for oboe virtuoso and composer Heinz Holliger in 1969 [listen -- track 5, 4:02-4:54], and then produce a stunning performance of the eloquent Sequenza IXa of 1980, an amazing fifteen-minute solo originally written for Claude Delangle -- then it has to be admitted that we are listening to a great interpreter and technical artist [listen -- track 7, 0:00-0:49].

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Copyright © 8 February 2004 Patric Standford, Wakefield UK


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