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'Oh yeah, why?' I challenged, ready to deliver a long lecture about age not being a good reason to give up doing what we love. He looked to be in his seventies, so I thought I'd better infuse him with a dose of youthful wisdom!

'Er, I've taken up acting instead,' he replied humbly.

'What, here in Munich?' I asked, thinking that he might belong to a local ex-pat actors' group.

'Hmm, no, in London, actually.'

Customers come from all over the world to enjoy Beck's unique selection of rare classical music. Photo © Oliver Oppitz
Customers come from all over the world to enjoy Beck's unique selection of rare classical music. Photo © Oliver Oppitz

'Oh geez,' I replied sympathetically. 'Not a lot of money in that, is there?'

'Not doing too badly,' he replied with a mischievous smile. 'At least it allows me to travel.'

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Copyright © 29 April 2004 Tess Crebbin, Germany


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