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English Touring Opera's new Bohème will be in Italian: 'It's a new departure for us,' James Conway explains, 'though that's not intended as some kind of a "big statement" -- simply that I reckon it'll make the best evening. The subject matter is very familiar, and I just think it sounds so much better in Italian -- even though I'm a real fan of opera in English. You have to stand back and assess; think "What's the best thing we can do in this particular case?" Maybe it's an exception. Our Maria Stuarda, Cosi and Vixen will all be in English.'

'Besides, apprehension (of text and story) is a complex phenomenon. The ongoing debate about "opera in English -- or in a foreign language?" never treats the issue in a complex way. Yet opera isn't like TV, where you get every word instantly. It's a more complex process.'

English Touring Opera will once again open its tour at the fabulous, newly restored Hackney Empire, built by the doyen of Victorian-Edwardian theatre designers, Frank Matcham. 'I love Hackney: it's a good place for us, it has a really good sound, and it's a big part of the city and East End where the audience is definitely growing: there are lot of people who go to, and want to go to, things in that part of town. We're also trying out new venues: on 22 October we'll be at the pristine new Brindley Arts Centre at Halton, Runcorn; and in Cumbria we'll be visiting the Leisure Centre in Kendal. That might raise an eyebrow -- how does one get opera into some of these smaller venues? But having done Katya Kabanova on Inishmore (in the remote Aran Islands off the West Coast of Ireland) and Maxwell Davies's The Lighthouse and even Jenufa in tiny Irish communities, I know it can work, given the right approach.'

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Copyright © 26 September 2004 Roderic Dunnett, Coventry UK


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