Steve Hansen Smythe

Canadian composer Steve Hansen Smythe was born on 26 February 1962. Writing in Music & Vision's 'MV3' column, Gordon Rumson introduced Smythe as someone with 'a wry sense of humour, an infectious sense of rhythm and a complete command of electronic music making.'

'Every music teacher should listen to Theory Student Electro Shock Collar for its dead-on satire (ex-music students will get it too). And most magical is the electronic composition Sundayalyis with its hauntingly beautiful bells, ghostly voices, creaking ropes and splendid musical shape. This one's for keeps. Hansen Smythe has also done a great deal in film and animation shorts and should do more.'

Gordon Rumson's musical 40th birthday present to Steve Hansen Smythe (in 2002) runs for just over three minutes and is available online in Real Audio format [listen].