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Shackleton's Cat

English Touring Opera is requesting 'like for like' funding for its 2015 children's opera, Shackleton's Cat. The opera, featuring nine performers, tells the tale of Ernest Shackleton's Endurance expedition, one hundred years ago, and the subsequent story of survival against all odds, but from a different perspective - that of Mrs Chippy, the carpenter's cat on the Endurance.

The opera, which runs for just over an hour, has been created for English schools' Key Stage 2. ETO's recent successes in this genre have included Borka (based on John Burningham's 1963 children's book, featuring a goose with no feathers) and Laika the Spacedog (the story of the Russian mongrel discovered in a Moscow park in 1957, who became the first animal in orbit and the most famous victim of the space race).

If you would like to help fund the new opera (and even small amounts are important and very welcome), please consider doing so by Saturday 6 December 2014, and as early in the day as possible.


Posted: 4 December 2014

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