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Pianos and Pianists - Consultant Editor Ates Orga

Quote Corner

'... interpretation is a free walk on firm ground ...'
Artur Schnabel, 1945

'Between our two hands lies the fate of a masterpiece, its life or its death ... Interpretation! What a marvellous and redoubtable adventure into the unknown'
Wanda Landowska, 1952

'A performance is not a contest but a love affair'
Glenn Gould, 1962

'... a performance is more than a voluptuous noise or a historical echo from the past ...'
Charles Rosen, 1971

'If one sets out to be original, especially as a performer, one is bound to get lost. Indeed, if one sets out with that aim it's likely that one has very little talent in the first place'
Alfred Brendel,1972

'You should start by respecting the text exactly as it is written ... Interpretation is a synthesis of the world of the composer and the world of the interpreter'
Claudio Arrau, 1980/81

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