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eMuse (TM) by Jeff Talman


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The Very Large Array. Photo (c) Aaron Ferrucci The Very Large Array of Aaron Ferrucci is a longtime favorite. Apart from the sonics, the visual poesy of the work alone captivates. Aaron's particular device which looks something like a telescope fastened across the top of a wooden fence post, has an extremely humble non-tech look. But the recording/playback devices in each tube are noteworthy, as is especially the massed, other-worldly quality that the installation takes on amid the fabulous desert landscape of Burning Man. The site is strictly no-nonsense, a record of the events, but there are many very evocative photos. Sadly Aaron has lost a few of his tech tubes to theft. Because of this he announced that the arrays will likely not be installed again. However, in a recent e-mail he mentioned that the hardware may become part of a larger project. He also mentioned that he is interested in designing 'generic submodules that could be used for sophisticated compositions of ambient multi-source electronic music.' Go Aaron!

The Very Large Array:

Very Large Array. Photo (c) Aaron Ferrucci


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Copyright © 11 March 2000 Jeff Talman, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA


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