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CD Information

rites of spring


Work details

A musical celebration in a sequence of Renaissance motets, chansons and hymnody, including music by Schütz, Sweelinck, Le Jeune and madrigals by Lechner, Hassler, Schein and Isaac.


Artist details

Trinity Baroque
Julian Podger
, director


Recording details

Recorded: May 1996
Venue: Dorchester Abbey, England
Producer: Richard Pearce
Production assistants: Mark Lamyman and Kevin Chapman
Engineer: Paul Pinchbeck
Digital editing and mastering: David Wright
Copyright: 1999 Cantoris Records
Pressing: 1999 Cantoris Records

Cantoris CRCD6031 DDD Stereo NEW RELEASE
TT - 72'46"


Editorial & Design details

Graphic Design: Jason Lunn
Photography: Carbonnell Photography, Lincoln
Photographic models: Elizabeth Collins and Gavin Utting
Music recorded by kind permission of the Rector and churchwardens, Dorchester Abbey


Purchase details



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