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Tudeley's ethos, Dr Coles points out, is 'not only to engage established artists in the field of Renaissance and Baroque music, but to offer young performers much-needed platforms.'

Tudeley Church
Tudeley Church

The Festival's principal events are mounted at an enchanting and intimate towered church, three miles south of Tonbridge, which has both a fine acoustic and a celebrated late stained glass window, in blues and greens, by the French artist Marc Chagall (1889-1985).

The Tudeley Chagall window
The Tudeley Chagall window

It is understood that, in 1817, Bach's Mass in B minor was acclaimed by Hans-George Nageli, the Swiss publisher and critic, as 'the greatest work of music of all ages and of all peoples'. The finished work is believed to have inspired Beethoven to start work on his Missa Solemnis. Beethoven's teacher, Haydn, acquired a manuscript of Bach's work in his old age.

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Copyright © 5 March 2005 Pippa Hare, Kent UK


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