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Spotless Rose - Hymns to the Virgin Mary

CHSA 5066

Stereo / Multichannel

Playing time: 54'20"
Chapters: 15
Booklet pages: 40
© 2008 Chandos Records Ltd
Reviewer: Patric Standford
Review of Spotless Rose - Hymns to the Virgin Mary published on 6 December 2008

Listen: Cecilia McDowall: Ave Regina (track 3, 0:00-1:02)

Phoenix Chorale
Charles Bruffy, conductor

Stephen Paulus (born 1949):
1 Splendid Jewel

Benjamin Britten (1913-1976):
2 A Hymn to the Virgin

Cecilia McDowall (born 1951):
Three Latin Motets
3 Ave, Regina
4 Ave, Maria
5 Regina caeli

Herbert Howells (1892-1983):
6 A Spotless Rose

Javier Busto (born 1949):
Two Marian Pieces
7 Ave, maris stella
8 Ave, Maria

Healey Willan (1880-1968):
Three Liturgical Motets
9 Fair in face
10 I beheld her, beautiful as a dove
11 Rise up, my love, my fair one

Jean Belmont Ford (born 1939):
12 De profundis
13 Asperges me, Domine/Credo
14 Ave, dulcissima Maria
15 Magnificat anima mea


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