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A selection of M&V 'castrato' articles

CD Spotlight. A Sympathetic Hand - Jane Glover accompanies Felicity Lott's Mozart, heard by Robert Anderson. '... joyous music-making.'

Sex and Absolute Power - Handel's 'Giulio Cesare in Egitto', reviewed by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. Strongly Musical - Handel's 'Radamisto' at the London Coliseum, reviewed by Robert Hugill

Ensemble. Shining Beauty - The current Italian season of Mozart's 'Idomeneo', reviewed by Giuseppe Pennisi

DVD Spotlight. Tragic Power - Handel's 'Tamerlano', reviewed by Robert Anderson. 'The simplicity of the production is welcome ...'

CD Spotlight. Beauty of Timbre - Vivica Genaux sings Vivaldi, heard by Maria Nockin. 'Genaux's diction is excellent ...'

Ensemble. Excellent Singing - Handel and Rossini from Los Angeles Opera impress Maria Nockin

Ensemble. Dark and Serious - Robert Hugill was at English Touring Opera's 'Tolomeo'

Ensemble. Quite a Charmer - 'Alessandro' at the London Handel Festival, reviewed by Robert Hugill

Ensemble. Very Convincing - Handel's 'Partenope', enjoyed by Robert Hugill

CD Spotlight. Vocal Artistry - Vivica Genaux sings Handel and Hasse [listen], enjoyed by Maria Nockin. '... a wonderful trip back in time ...'

Ensemble. Gripping Stuff - Handel's 'Ariodante' at English National Opera, enjoyed by Robert Hugill


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