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A selection of M&V 'lieder' articles

CD Spotlight. Women in Love - Schubert Lieder captivate Gerald Fenech. '... full of sensibility, ardour and vocal nuance ...'

CD Spotlight. A Wealth of Gifts - Hugo Wolf's Mörike-Lieder, heard by Robert Anderson. '... much expressive dexterity ...'

Mahler versus Mahler - Two symphony orchestras are playing Mahler in Rome, by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. An Exciting Evening - Jonas Kaufmann's Los Angeles recital impresses Maria Nockin

Ensemble. Soirées musicales - Mariella Devia and the Twilight of Bel Canto, heard by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. Beautifully Phrased - Los Angeles Opera's 'The Marriage of Figaro', welcomed by Maria Nockin

Profile. Real Meaning - Maria Nockin talks to American mezzo-soprano Susan Graham

Ensemble. A Double Farewell - Henze and Mahler in Rome, reported by Giuseppe Pennisi

Imaginative Heights - Gordon Rumson looks forward to the Calgary Art Song Competition

CD Spotlight. Exquisitely Nuanced - Steve Davislim sings Vierne and Chausson, recommended by Howard Smith. 'I cannot think of higher praise.'

Record box - Full flower. Schubert lieder - Ian Bostridge with Julius Drake, by Basil Ramsey

CD Spotlight - Creative beauty. '... clearly thought through and, as everything under Graham Johnson's direction, entirely convincing.' A visit to the Hyperion Schubert Edition on the anniversary of Schubert's death, with David Wilkins


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