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A selection of M&V 'played' articles

Ensemble. Awakening of Nature - Mahler's Third Symphony, appreciated by Giuseppe Pennisi

CD Spotlight. Great Abilities - Piano trios by Donald Tovey, heard by Robert Anderson. '... diatonic convictions ...'

CD Spotlight. Lyrical Powers - Orchestral music by Louis Spohr, heard by Robert Anderson. 'Howard Shelley and the Swiss orchestra clearly relish this unusual assignment.'

Ensemble. Inexorable Momentum - Music by Dvorák, Rachmaninov and Sibelius from Sergio Tiempo, Mark Elder and the Hallé Orchestra impresses Mike Wheeler

CD Spotlight. Californian, Dreaming - 'The Floating Bubble' by Ron George, recommended by Malcolm Tattersall. '... subtle long-range structures shaped with minimal scoring ...'


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