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A selection of M&V 'rostrum' articles

CD Spotlight. Finely Displayed - Alfred Brendel plays Liszt, recommended by Robert Anderson. 'Michael Gielen backs Brendel's eloquence with unobtrusive skill.'

CD Spotlight. Great Abilities - Piano trios by Donald Tovey, heard by Robert Anderson. '... diatonic convictions ...'

Ensemble. Pushing Back the Boundaries - London Sinfonietta's 'British Experiments', reviewed by Chris Graham

A Model of Clarity - A new score of Elgar's 'Mina', appraised by Robert Anderson

CD Spotlight. Chameleon Virtues - Barenboim conducts Gershwin, Bernstein, Ravel and Wagner, reviewed by Robert Anderson. '... the oddest assortment of music.'

A Major Pleasure - A new study score of Elgar's 'Empire March', reviewed by Robert Anderson


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