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Fritz Spiegl

The Austrian musician and writer Fritz Spiegl, a distant relative of Gustav Mahler, died on 23 March 2003, aged 77.

Born in Austria on 27 January 1926, Spiegl moved to the UK in 1939 to escape the Nazis, learning English amazingly quickly and thoroughly. He became (via a career as Principal Flautist with the Liverpool Philharmonic) one of the UK's best-known all-round classical musicians - author, journalist, music publisher, broadcaster, conductor and organiser of April fools (and other) concerts with his Liverpool Music Group, and his interests didn't end with music - he was well-known as a wit and a commentator on language, and was an antiquarian, an antiques dealer, typographer, designer and a vintage car enthusiast.


Posted: 17 April 2003

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