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Schoenfeld Competition

The Alice and Eleonore Schoenfeld International String Competition for violin, cello, and chamber music aims to enrich the culture of music by recognizing and promoting highly gifted young musicians. It takes place 18-25 August 2014 in Harbin, China. There are three divisions - violin, cello and chamber, and two groups - professional & chamber, and youth & aficionado. The application deadline for the professional and chamber group has passed (9 June 2014) but a few days remain (until 30 June 2014) before the deadline for the youth and aficionado group. Pre-screening takes place by viewing entrants' YouTube playlists or prescreening DVDs.

Sisters Alice and Eleonore Schoenfeld, violinist and cellist respectively, studied in Berlin and began their careers in Germany before moving to Los Angeles. Eleonore died in 2007, and Alice founded the competition, which first ran in 2013.

Harbin was the first city in China to come into contact with European classical music, and it was home to China's first symphony orchestra, the East Railway Administration Symphony Orchestra, in 1908. Harbin was awarded the title 'Music City' by the United Nations in 2010, becoming the first Asian city to win this award.


Posted: 24 June 2014

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