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The Virgin Eye

The Virgin Eye: Towards a Contemplative View of Life, ISBN 978-1-909728-52-3, paperback, 368pp, by M&V contributor the late Robin Daniels, and edited by Robin's wife Katherine Daniels, was published on 21 October 2016 by Instant Apostle.

Robin Daniels was a British Jungian analyst and author. He worked in private practice, ran marriage enrichment groups, encounter and bereavement groups in church settings, and, latterly, a reflecting group for hospital chaplains. He was a former supervisor at the St Marylebone Centre for Healing and Counselling.

His previously published books are: Blackpool Football: The Official Club History (Robert Hale, 1972), Conversations with Cardus (Gollancz, 1976), Conversations with Menuhin (Time-Warner, 1979), Conversations with Coggan (Hodder, 1982) and Cardus: Celebrant of Beauty (Palatine, 2009, reviewed here in M&V by the late Robert Anderson).

Robin Daniels' single contribution to M&V was a tribute to the Scottish tenor Kenneth McKellar.

Daniels' latest book, The Virgin Eye: Towards a Contemplative View of Life, encourages us to learn from the child (or poet or artist) to see the beauty of the created world with innocence, as if for the first time.

He weaves insights from psychology with those from great literature and the wisdom of the saints.

This is applied to contemporary dilemmas such as: how to use modern technology without it impinging on mental and family life; slowing down and living from one's centre in an age of impatience and rush; managing stress and finding one's true life calling; making good decisions, and being in touch with emotions, intuition and God's will; and finding and sustaining a creative relationship.

The book provides approaches to contemplative prayer, and suggests habits that can help the reader take up St Paul's challenge to pray without ceasing. It offers helpful perspectives on mindfulness (which the Christian church refers to as 'recollection') as it relates to how we eat, walk, speak on the phone, live in the present, guard the tongue and relate to others.

Posted: 22 October 2016

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