Dubious Tampering
Chamber arrangements of Mahler and Debussy -
heard by HOWARD SMITH'... a highly skilled, finely rehearsed unit.'
In 2010 Ken Selden formed a new group called the Martingale Ensemble; its first, free concert live at Lincoln Hall, Portland State University, Oregon on 7 January 2011 was recorded to meet the dictates of 'Verein für Musikalische Privataufführungen' (VFMP -- Association for Private Music Performances) on the present MSR Classics album -- MS1373. The cover has a fragment from Gustav Klimt's The Kiss (1907-08). The whole iconic Klimt image is on Abbado's complete Mahler symphonies DG 4470232.
Selden was appointed conductor and music director of the Symphony Orchestra and New Music Ensemble at Portland State University in autumn 2006...
Copyright © 10 January 2012
Howard Smith, Masterton, New Zealand