Light Colour
Orchestral music by José Elizondo and David Tanner -
heard by PATRIC STANDFORD'... music for enjoyment ...'
David Tanner was born in England in 1950 but was moved to Canada three years later where he matured and began studies at Berklee College in Boston where he gained his familiarity with popular music styles, and then on to degrees in composition at the University of Toronto. He joined rock bands and worked in theatres and recording studios as a versatile saxophonist before following instrumental work more broadly with symphony orchestras, ballet and opera companies. His work as a commercial arranger has predictably produced a skill as an orchestrator, and the orchestral music on this recording, written quite recently, is proof of a sure technical command.
The Pocket Symphony was completed in 2011 and is an effective light-weight piece, intended as the composer suggests, 'to be enjoyed', paying homage as it does to Bernstein, Copland, Debussy, and several Russian masters, not least Tchaikovsky...
Copyright © 26 February 2013
Patric Standford, Suffolk UK