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Pianos and Pianists - Consultant Editor Ates Orga

Quote Corner

'From the English [Leschetizky] expects good musicians, good workers, and bad executants; doing by work what the Slav does by instinct; their heads serving them better than their hearts'
- Annette Hullah, Theodor Leschetizky, London 1906

'Why do we not have more English virtuosos? Being English, I think I know. We are too diffident, too self-analytical, too reserved. Our virtues, if we have any, are fortitude and restraint. It takes a crisis to arouse our spontaneity. Those are precisely the qualities a virtuoso should not have. He (or she) must have a terrific feeling of conviction'
- Myra Hess interviewed by Reed Hynds, St Louis, December 22nd 1938

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