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'L'occasione fa il ladro' -
enjoyed by

'... a performance of bubbling vitality ...'

Gioacchino Rossini: L'occasione fa il ladro (Opportunity Makes the Thief). © 2006 EuroArts Music International GmbH

Suitcases, as any traveller knows, have a wanderlust of their own. Mine have on occasion preferred anywhere in the world to Moscow, Teheran or Sanaa. The situation has seemed to me invariably tragic; it says much for the young Rossini's genius that the swapping of a pair of suitcases turns into the the most glorious comic fun. This review, indeed, should have been devoted to Wozzeck; but computers also have a mind of their own, and mine rejected Berg as unplayable while hugging Rossini to its judicious bosom. I could not have been more relieved.

Alessandro Corbelli as Martino in Rossini's 'L'occasione fa il ladro'. Screenshot © 1992 Schwetzinger Festspiele/SWR/Maran Film GmbH/NVC Arts International
Alessandro Corbelli as Martino in Rossini's 'L'occasione fa il ladro'. Screenshot © 1992 Schwetzinger Festspiele/SWR/Maran Film GmbH/NVC Arts International


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Copyright © 28 June 2006 Robert Anderson, London UK


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