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A selection of M&V 'major' articles

CD Spotlight. Quite Breathtaking - David Korevaar plays Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier, admired by Howard Smith. '... lots to admire ...'

CD Spotlight. Rhythmic Freedom - Geoffrey Lancaster plays Haydn, heard by Robert Anderson. '... a very auspicious start.'

Ensemble. Sheer Tension - The first performance of the unabridged 'Elektra' enthralls the audience, related by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. The Quality of the Cooks - Verdi comic operas on stage, tasted by Giuseppe Pennisi

A Model of Clarity - A new score of Elgar's 'Mina', appraised by Robert Anderson

Nicely Judged - A recital by harpist Anneleen Lenaerts impresses Mike Wheeler


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