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A selection of M&V 'past' articles

CD Spotlight. Subtle and Organic - Music by John Luther Adams, recommended by Malcolm Tattersall. '... vast silent landscapes ...'

Ensemble. Clearly Important - The seventh Klavessiinfestival held in Tallinn, Estonia, attended by Peter Howell

Ensemble. A Perfect Falstaff - Giuseppe Pennisi visits the Vienna State Opera

Ensemble. Meticulously Explored - Bellini's 'La Somnambula' provides a long-awaited answer to an age-old question, as experienced by Gregory Moomjy

DVD Spotlight. Malignant Fate - Donizetti's 'Maria Stuarda', recommended by Robert Anderson. '... wonderfully alert ...'

CD Spotlight. A Rare Collection - The collected 78rpm recordings of Peter Warlock, heard by Patric Standford. '... some interesting and revealing performances.'


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