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A selection of M&V 'Symphony Hall' articles

Ensemble. Monumental Effect - Three companies combine forces, experienced by Maria Nockin

Ensemble. A Date with the Devil - Gounod's 'Faust' at Arizona Opera, reviewed by Maria Nockin

New Year Blues - A roundup of recent London concerts by Bill Newman

CD Spotlight. A Forthright Approach - J S Bach's St Matthew Passion, recommended by Howard Smith. '... the Ex Cathedra performance is a triumph.'

CD Spotlight. Consistently Refined - Debussy transcriptions, reviewed by Howard Smith. '... these alternatives are never less than striking ...'

Ensemble. Truly Elegant - Arizona Opera's 'Don Giovanni', appreciated by Maria Nockin

Ensemble. Dramatically Riveting - Maria Nockin at Arizona Opera's 'Lucia di Lammermoor'

Ensemble. Extremely Traditional - 'Madama Butterfly' in Arizona, reviewed by Maria Nockin


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