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A selection of M&V 'impact' articles

Ensemble. An Eclectic Mix - Mieczyslaw Weinberg's 'The Portrait' at Opera North, experienced by Mike Wheeler

Ensemble. Splendid Ideas - Stravinsky's 'Le Rossignol' impresses Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. Pushing Back the Boundaries - London Sinfonietta's 'British Experiments', reviewed by Chris Graham

CD Spotlight. Indeed Eternal - 'Symphonie fantastique' and 'Le Carnaval romain', enjoyed by Robert Anderson. '... much to admire ...'

CD Spotlight. A Spectral Atmosphere - Murray McLachlan plays music by Shostakovich and friends, recommended by Howard Smith. '... an outright triumph for the label and for McLachlan.'

Ensemble. Style and Drama - Gluck's 'Alceste', heard by Robert Hugill

Ensemble. Vivid and Enlivening - Donizetti's 'Maria di Rohan', reviewed by Robert Hugill

Ensemble. Robust Voices - Susan Hampton visits Boston for Puccini's 'La bohème'

CD Spotlight. Impeccable Technique - Beethoven's middle string quartets, heard by Robert Anderson. 'The outer movements induce some grinding of teeth.'

Record box. Impact of sound - Music by Joe Wiedemann, reviewed by Patric Standford


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