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Robert Hugill

A new CD of music by M&V contributor Robert Hugill is now available on the Divine Art Label. Tenor Christopher Watson, organist Paul Ayres, the eight:fifteen vocal ensemble and the strings of the Chameleon Arts Orchestra, perform a selection of Hugill's choral and vocal music.

The works included on the disc are The Testament of Dr Cranmer, What is Man? (a William Blake setting for tenor and strings), the Advent Motets from Tempus per Annum, a new Magnificat and other motets including Nunc Dimittis.

The disc also includes an arrangement of Faith, Hope and Charity for string orchestra, and a version of The Lord Bless Thee for tenor and strings.

The conductor for the works on this CD is Paul Brough, who was recently announced as the Hanover Band's new principal conductor.


Posted: 7 January 2008

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