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Songs of Olden Times - Estonian Folk Hymns and Runic Songs

HMU 907488


Playing time: 66'23"
Tracks: 15
Booklet pages: 36
© 2013 harmonia mundi usa
Reviewer: Howard Smith
Review of Songs of Olden Times - Estonian Folk Hymns and Runic Songs published on 6 January 2014

Listen: Margo Kolar: Jeesukest ei jäta ma (track 10, 0:50-1:41)

Margo Kolar, artistic director

1 Mu süda, ärka üles - Awake, my heart, and sing

2 Rahva Onnistegija - Redeemer of the gentiles

3 Veni Creator / Oh Jumal, Looja Püha Vaim - Come, creator spirit

4 Nätse Jummal, siin ma rummal - Here behold me as I cast me

5 Oh Aadam, sino essitus - Oh Adam, your guilt

Ammuste aegade laulud - The Songs of Olden Times
6 Haned kadunud - Missing Geese
7 Imeline koda - Wondrous House
8 Loomine - Creation

9 Oh Jeesus, Sinu valu - O Jesus, your suffering

10 Jeesukest ei jäta ma - I won't forsake sweet Jesus

11 Ma tänan sind, et oled mind - Thank you, O Lord, for sheltering me

12 Kas sureb nii mu koige armsam elu? - Must You Die like that, my dearest Life?

13 Mu mano tulge latse - Let the children come to me

14 Koik tulge minu juurde nüüd - Come to me, said the Son of God

15 Nüüd hingvad inimesed - Now rest beneath night's shadow

Recorded in October 2007 at the Church of the Transfiguration of our Lord, Tallinn, Estonia, and in January 2013 at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Tallinn, Estonia


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