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A Slice of Life

GIUSEPPE PENNISI is impressed with the
first performance of Marco Tutino's 'Miseria e Nobilità'


On 23 February 2018 in Genoa, the elegant and very modern Teatro Carlo Felice hosted the world premiere of Miseria e Nobilità (Poverty and Aristocracy) by Marco Tutino, to a libretto by Fabio Ceresa and Luca Rossi, based on a farce by Edoardo Scarpetta. The performance would have astonished those who think that lyric theatre is a museum piece and that contemporary opera is for a few listeners. The theatre was filled to the hilt. When the curtain fell after two and a half hours (including an intermission), the audience burst into ten minutes of standing ovation for the company, the librettists and the composer...

Copyright © 26 February 2018 Giuseppe Pennisi,
Rome, Italy



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