Beautifully Played
Castelnuovo-Tedesco's Cello Concerto -
heard by ALICE McVEIGH'Brinton maintains a clear, sonorous and resonant sound even in the highest register, though he could perhaps have been willing to take a few more risks.'
In case you have never heard of him — guilty as charged, in my case — Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895-1968) was at first famous as a composer for the guitar, and then in Hollywood. More interestingly, he loved the cello, and was hugely impressed by Gregor Piatigorsky. As he wrote, 'He advances, carrying his instrument by the neck ... he instantly puts you in a good humour, immediately establishing a warm connection between himself and the audience .....
Copyright © 7 September 2018
Alice McVeigh, Kent UK