Music and Vision homepage

A selection of M&V 'personal' articles

Ensemble. 'Alceste' in the Madhouse - Giuseppe Pennisi files his last report from the 2010 Aix-en-Provence Festival

Ensemble. Young Purity - A Covent Garden 'Salome' revival, reviewed by Robert Hugill

CD Spotlight. Great Abilities - Piano trios by Donald Tovey, heard by Robert Anderson. '... diatonic convictions ...'

Ensemble. Beautifully Turned - Horn trios by Lennox Berkeley, Jeremy Thurlow and Haydn impress Mike Wheeler

Ensemble. A Class Of Its Own - Lawrence Budmen listens to the Cleveland Orchestra

Ensemble. A Double Farewell - Henze and Mahler in Rome, reported by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. Imagination and Strength - Celebrating the Mendelssohn anniversary at Mannes College, reported by Anna L Franco

Arts and the Colour of Politics - Béla Hartmann muses on growing social equality and democratization

Editorial musings with Basil Ramsey - Technology, music and life. A new sense of purpose?

Editorial musings - Personal experience. Eligibility to captivate, with Basil Ramsey


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