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A selection of M&V 'complex' articles

Ensemble. Firmly in Period - Grange Park Opera's 'Madama Butterfly', reviewed by Robert Hugill

Ensemble. Bravura Performance - A piano recital by Anthony Hughes, heard by Mary Isaac

CD Spotlight. Elgar and Bax - A sepia album from World War I, heard by George Balcombe. '... intense emotion, beautifullly replicated ...'

Ensemble. Difficult to Forget - Richard Strauss' 'Die Frau ohne Schatten', enjoyed by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. Seldom Performed - 'Lulu' lands at La Scala, by Giuseppe Pennisi

Ensemble. Truly Memorable - A concert of arias at Arizona Opera impresses Maria Nockin

Ensemble. A True Dynamo - Lawrence Budmen listens to French conductor Ludovic Morlot, in concert with Jennifer Koh and the New World Symphony

Ensemble. Imagination and Strength - Celebrating the Mendelssohn anniversary at Mannes College, reported by Anna L Franco

Ensemble. Lively and Spirited - A performance by Haydn Trio Eisenstadt, heard by Rebecca Schmid

Ensemble. Strong Performances - Handel's 'Susanna' from Les Arts Florissants, assessed by Robert Hugill

Arts and the Colour of Politics - Béla Hartmann muses on growing social equality and democratization

CD Spotlight. Utterly Absorbing - A sampler from Cedille Records, enjoyed by Howard Smith. '... top quality standards.'

Making a Real Fuss - Robert Hugill looks forward to English Touring Opera's HandelFest this autumn

Ensemble. Exceptional Gifts - Lawrence Budmen reports from the 2009 Miami International Piano Festival


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