Gerard Hoffnung

Gerard Hoffnung, the artist and musical humorist, was born in Berlin on 22 March 1925. Less known was his ability with the tuba, which led to a performance of Vaughan Williams' Tuba Concerto in 1958. He died in London, still a young man, on 28 September 1959, before the last of the three famous and hilarious London Hoffnung Music Festival concerts.

A selection of articles about Gerard Hoffnung

Classical music news - Music, Migration and Mobility - Malcolm Miller previews a new exhibition in London about émigré composers

Profile. Landmark Collaborations - A personal reminiscence of British conductor Lawrence Leonard, by Keith Bramich

CD Spotlight. Priceless Music-making - The horn playing of Dennis Brain, heard by the late Howard Smith. '... a sheer delight ...'

CD Spotlight. Farrago of Fun - The Hoffnung Music Festival Concert, recommended by Howard Smith. '... though these show their age, the sound remains adequate.'