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A selection of M&V 'poise' articles

Ensemble. Meticulously Handled - The Rivoli String Quartet, heard by Mike Wheeler

Ensemble. Poise and Vitality - Mike Wheeler listens to Lucille Burns and Catherine Milledge

CD Spotlight. Many Levels - Chamber music by Mozart and Smetana, heard by Howard Smith. '... judged to perfection ...'

CD Spotlight. Expressive Power - Vivaldi oboe concertos, heard by Robert Anderson. '... faultlessly delivered ...'

Ensemble. Delightfully Entertaining - Mozart, Schubert and Weill, heard by Mike Wheeler

Ensemble. Bravura Performance - A piano recital by Anthony Hughes, heard by Mary Isaac

Ensemble. Real Poise - Sinfonia Viva at the Buxton Festival, enjoyed by Mike Wheeler

Ensemble. An Ideal Balance - An evening with the Northern Sinfonia and friends delights Mike Wheeler

Ensemble. Delightful Contributions - Nicholas Kok conducts Sinfonia Viva, heard by Mike Wheeler

Ensemble. Smiling Poise - Derby Chamber Music ends its season on a high, reported by Mike Wheeler

CD Spotlight. Great Poise - Petrenko conducts Shostakovich symphonies, recommended by Paul Sarcich. '... care and thoughtfulness ...'


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