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Imogen Holst Choral Works; Britten: Rejoice in the Lamb - Choir of Clare College, Cambridge

HMU 907576


Playing time: 72'35"
Tracks: 24
Booklet pages: 72
© 2012 harmonia mundi usa
Reviewer: Robert Anderson
Review of Imogen Holst Choral Works; Britten: Rejoice in the Lamb - Choir of Clare College, Cambridge published on 26 November 2013

Listen: Imogen Holst: Credo (Mass in A minor) (track 3, 0:01-0:59)

Tanya Houghton, harp (tracks 10-15)
Cressida Sharp, soprano (18)
Robert Cross, countertenor (19)
Stefan Kennedy, tenor (20)
Dominic Sedgwick, bass (22)
Choir of Clare College, Cambridge
Dmitri Ensemble (7-15 and 17-24)
Graham Ross, director

Imogen Holst (1907-1984):

Mass in A minor (1927)
1 Kyrie
2 Gloria
3 Credo
4 Sanctus - Osanna - Benedictus - Osanna
5 Agnus Dei

6 A Hymne to Christ (1940)

Three Psalms (1943)
7 Psalm 80: Give ear, O shepherd of Israel
8 Psalm 56: Be merciful unto me, O God
9 Psalm 91: He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High

Welcome Joy and Welcome Sorrow (1950)
10 Welcome Joy and Welcome Sorrow
11 Teignmouth
12 Over the Hill and over the Dale
13 O sorrow
14 Lullaby
15 Shed no tear

16 Hallo my fancy, whither wilt yjou go? (1972)

Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) orchestrated by Imogen Holst:

Rejoice in the Lamb: A Festival Cantata (1952)
17 Rejoice in God, O ye Tongues
18 For I will consider my Cat Jeoffrey
19 For the mouse is a creature of great personal valour
20 For the flowers are great blessings
21 For I am under the same accusation with my Saviour
22 For H is a spriit and therefore he is God
23 For the instruments are by their rhimes
24 Hallelujah from the heart of God

Recorded July 2011 at All Hallows' Church, Gospel Oak, London UK


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