Music and Vision homepage

A selection of M&V 'website' articles

CD Spotlight. Deeply Satisfying - Elena Kuschnerova plays J S Bach, selected by Howard Smith. '... decisive and fresh as a dewfall.'

Masks - Jennifer Paull continues her investigation of musical and theatrical masks

Masks - Jennifer Paull investigates a layering of musical and theatrical masks, with the omnipresent eerie reminder of the gas mask

CD Spotlight. Programmatic Titles - Piano music by John Pitts, heard by Patric Standford. 'The performances by Steven Kings are excellent ...'

Ensemble. Pushing Back the Boundaries - London Sinfonietta's 'British Experiments', reviewed by Chris Graham

Site Seeing - Music website news - Music Web Hunter; Music feeds my soul; New Film Front; Phenomenal bass player; Hidingplace; Do you have a clean record?

Site Seeing Special - Composers on the web

Site Seeing Special - Choirs and Choral Music

Site Seeing - Music website news - Musique Ancienne; the Dead conductors page; What is the COE?; Net Notes; La Scena Musicale; Ring for early music; Leamington Winter Season; Golden Sections

Site Seeing - Music website news - free offers, including CDs, sheet music and software

Site Seeing - Music website news, featuring Blue Snow, Roger Deneuville, Jean-Pierre Rampal, John McHugh, Claude Vivier, MA Recordings, Violin Books and Autographs, Guitars Alive in the 21st Century and Mac's Maddening Musical Mind Mangler.

Site Seeing - Music website news with Keith Bramich - a shamelessly British edition, featuring One Wedding and a Funeral, Tubalaté, Janácek's Brno at Royal Holloway and The Band That Money Couldn't Buy

Site Seeing - Music website news with Keith Bramich, featuring books from New Delhi, inventor Manfred Clynes, Symphonic Workshops, I Fiati di Parma, GMN, New World Records, Arts and Letters Daily and the Millennium Whistling Championships.

Site Seeing - Music website news

Site Seeing - Music website news

Site Seeing - Music website news

Site Seeing - Music website news

Site Seeing - Music website news

Site Seeing - Music website news

Site Seeing - Music website news

Site Seeing - Music website news

Site Seeing - Music website news

Site Seeing - Music website news

Site Seeing - Opera on the web

Site Seeing - Music website news

Site Seeing - An A-Z of music websites (part 3)

Site Seeing - University music departments and scholarly music sites

Site Seeing - An A-Z of music websites (part 2)

Site Seeing - An A-Z of music websites (part 1)

Site Seeing Special - How to access newsgroups -

Site Seeing - Today we investigate on-line concert listing services.

Music Information Centres - Keith Bramich begins a regular column Site Seeing which explores the expanding world of music websites.


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